Международен конкурс: Нова Национална галерия и Музей „Лудвиг“ – Будапеща, Унгария; РЗП: 62 600 м2

Exhibition in the Park
A choice of a simple, compact volume as a base of our architectural concept which easily integrates to the cityscape and the green area of the park. This volume is punched, depending on the most stock stand high trees in the design area. The principal, functions of the building come into being around the different in size green spaces of the park with conserved trees. All vertical facades of the building are an overflow of trees in a thick forest with many ramification crowns which become denser with height and let through the natural light according to the function need of the space and level. The greatest amount of light penetrates in the public spaces on the ground level – 115,50 which are open to the park. The visitors access is entirely conformable to the existing lanes in the park. There are two entrances in the building for visitors – one from the side of Hermina street and another from the side of Dozsa Gyorgy street. The future underground parking for visitors will be constructed on the site of Petofy Rendezveny with a capacity of 430 automobiles. Its floors will be above groundwater level (approximately 103,00). It’s the base of the green esplanada which takes off the visitors to the main entrance level of the two galleries – 115,50. The permanent exhibition at the New National Gallery is accessed by a 9m. wide ramp 5% slope. This ramp which is also an exhibitional place, makes the round of the biggest garden in the building and gradually walks in the visitors from the ground level ±0,00=115,00 to the permanent exhibition at New National Gallery -8,50=107,00. This ramp goes on to level -12,00=103,50 permanent exhibition at Ludwig Museum. The basic material denoting the external and internal appearance of the edifice is white concrete.
